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Как правильно написать личное письмо 

Для успешного выполнения задания№1 ЕГЭ (письмо личного характера)

- помните, что объём письма должен соответствовать требованиям (100-140 слов). Допустимый предел 90-154 слова. Письмо, объём которого менее 90 слов, получает 0 баллов. В письме, объём которого превышает 154 слова, проверяют и оценивают только первые 140 слов.

- внимательно прочитайте инструкцию и текст задания;

- в процессе чтения инструкции и письма-стимула отметьте карандашом все задания, которые нужно выполнить;

- помните, что вся информация, которую требуется включить по заданию (ответы на все вопросы, заданные в письме, а также вопросы другу, если они требуются), должна войти в текст вашего письма;

- не сообщайте информации, не относящейся к делу;

- развейте каждый пункт для увеличения объёма высказывания, например, к предложениям, выражающим мнение, добавьте ещё одно, где укажите причину, по которой вы так считаете;

- не забудьте задать вопросы, если они требуются по заданию;

- всегда начинайте абзац с чётко обозначенной красной строки;

- помните, что письмо личного характера нужно писать в соответствии со следующим планом

• Свой адрес (полный или краткий) в верхнем правом углу и дата под адресом:

Можно Нельзя

Flat 23 или Podolsk Russia

5 Pobeda Street Russia Podolsk

Podolsk 142112 June 8, 2009

Russia или (08.06.09 Br. E.,

June 8, 2009 06.08.09 Am. E.)

(08.06.09 Br. E.,

06.08.09 Am. E.)

• Пропуск строки;

• Обращение в неофициальном стиле (Dear+имя того человека, от которого вы получили письмо) на отдельной строке слева, с последующей запятой;

• Вступление, начинающееся на следующей строке и содержащее

- благодарность за полученное письмо:

Many thanks for your letter…

Thanks for your letter…

I was glad to hear that you…

I was very glad to get your letter…

Thanks for your recent letter. It was good to hear from you…

- извинение за то, что не писал раньше;

Dear Susan,

I was glad to receive your letter very much. I’ve been meaning to write to you for ages but somehow just haven’t been able to find the time I really should have written sooner…

I’m sorry I haven’t written for so long but I’ve been really busy with…

I must apologize for nоt writing earlier…

I’m sorry I’ve taken such a long time to reply to your last letter…

I’m terribly sorry that …

Sorry I didn’t get in touch before…

- предложения, обращённые к адресату, в зависимости от полученной информации (поздравление; вопрос о том, как идут дела; комплимент; сочувствие);

Dear Sheila,

Thank you very much for your letter and the photo of you. You look lovely with your new haircut!

Dear Sheila,

I just got your letter and was sorry to hear about your problem.

Dear Sheila,

Thank you for your letter. I’m happy to receive some news from you. How are you getting on?

Dear Simon,

Thanks for your letter. It was so nice to hear all your news. Well done on passing your exams! But I am sorry, I was busy, that’s why I …

• Главная часть, в которой излагаются причины, по которым вы пишете, и основные мысли письма.

Главная, и самая важная, часть письма должна состоять из двух-трёх абзацев, необходимых по смыслу You are asking me about……. I’ll do my best to answer your questions. (Далее идет ответ по заданию, данному в отрывке письма). That's about all I can tell you on this problem.

• Причина, по которой вы заканчиваете письмо:

Anyway, I must go and get on with my work.

Well, got to go now.

I’ve got loads of homework to do tonight.

Anyway, I’d better go now as I’ve got to study for a test.

I must finish my letter because it is very late and I must go to bed (because my Mum is calling me / because I have to do my homework).

• Упоминание о дальнейших контактах.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Drop me a line when you are free.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Write soon.

See you soon!

Do keep in touch!

Don’t forget to write!

Looking forward to seeing you.

Write back to me soon.

Let me know what happens.

I hope this advice is of some help to you.

• Приветы, пожелания (в случае необходимости).

Give my love to…

Say hello to…

Give my regards to…

Regards to your Mum and Dad and a big kiss to Nelly!

• Завершающая фраза на отдельной строке:


Best wishes,

All the best,


• Подпись (на отдельной строке) – только имя (без точки).

- соблюдайте логичность повествования;

- старайтесь использовать разнообразные союзы и связующие слова для того, чтобы текст представлял собой связное и логичное целое:

just now, and, at all, but, that’s why, also, as for me, maybe, though, so, not only, to tell the truth, besides, now.

- используйте обороты и выражения, характерные для разговорной речи;

- используйте краткие формы (I’ve, there’s, I’d);

- помните, что на экзамене у вас не будет времени, чтобы переписать письмо набело. Старайтесь писать аккуратно и чётко. Зачёркивайте одной чертой.

- закончив работу, ещё раз прочитайте и исправьте возможные ошибки.

Пример личного письма, выполненного учащейся

и оцененного максимальной оценкой в 6 баллов

(3-содержание, 3-организация текста)

Cl. You have 20 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Bill who writes

...I don't think it will be a problem for me to choose a good job in the future as I'm really interested in foreign languages, cultures and countries and I hope I'll work as a translator or teacher of foreign languages some day. Have you already decided on your career? What job are you going to choose? Why?

I've lived in the USA my whole life but I'd really love to travel to other countries...

Write a letter to Bill.

In your letter

- answer his questions

- ask 3 questions about his plans for travelling.

Write 100 - 140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

12, Roditeleva Street





Dear Bill,

I was very happy to get your letter. Sorry, I havеn’t written for so long because I’ve been busy at school studying for my exams. How are you keeping?

In your letter you speak about issues which are interesting for all teenagers. I think a lot about my future career. Besides, my parents help me to choose my future profession. So I’ve already decided on my career. I want to become a teacher of foreign languages, too. I do like to work with children. They make me feel happy.

I know that you’re fond of travelling. Where are you planning to go next? Are you planning to go with your parents or friends? Where will you live there?

Looking forward to your answer. Keep in touch.

Best wishes,

Anna (145 слов)

He следует считать ошибкой, если в полном варианте адреса экзаменуемый написал номер квартиры, дома и название улицы на одной строке. Ошибкой является «обратный» порядок следования элементов (независимо от их расположения по строкам), например: Russia, Syzran, Osennyaya St., 8-14.

He следует считать ошибкой, если в кратком варианте адреса экзаменуемый написал названия города и страны на одной строке. Ошибкой является «обратный» порядок следования элементов (независимо от их расположения по строкам), например: Russia, Rostov Veliky


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Change the words in brackets.

After the train’s (arrive) the platform was crowded.
The doctor (examination) the patient and prescribed some medicine.
Her face looked (terrible) white.
I’d like to (broad) your knowledge.
Chaikovsky is a famous (music).
It’s (use) to talk to her, she won’t listen to me.
(Scotland) people are hospitable and friendly.
My brother is a (luck) man.
I wish you a speedy (recover).
I admire your (strong), John.
As you see I am a heavy (eat).
Nina comes from the (East) part of the country.
The young girl had (expression) eyes and a charming smile.
Tom welcomed us (heart) at the door of his house.
Soon Jerry became a (success) businessman.
He looked at me (suspect), but didn’t say anything.
They are (courage) people and deserve admiration.
You are so (help), I can’t do a thing with you.
They listened to the (announce) carefully.
I am not afraid of your (threaten).
Her (jealous) is known to all of us.
Thank you for your (suggest).
The film left an (forget) impression on me.
I can’t help admiring his (wise).
The old man was under (suspect).
My brother is a writer, just a (begin).
He was sitting in a (comfort) chair.
Who can tell me about the (continue) of the story?
I can’t but love his (humour) stories.
Don’t make friends with him. He is so (decency).
Gagarin was the first (conquer) of space.
His scientific (achieve) are well described.
Columbus was a famous (explore).
Children, listen to me (careful).
(Curious) killed the cat.
The man is above (suspect).
Read more and you’ll (rich) your knowledge.
We began to work (cheer).
To my great (astonish) he didn’t move.
He is known for his (greedy).
I’m proud to say Jack is a (win).
Mark and Oliver had enough money after the (divide) of their father’s money.
Is this fruit (eat)?
After the (explode) the steamer began to sink.
The country is very (mountain), so traveling by road is difficult.
Jim always does what he says, he is a very (rely) person.
The (warm) of the fire was very pleasant after our long walk.
John’s (behave) improved at his new school
The government takes (popularity) measures which are necessary.
I can’t help admiring his (wise).
The food was (poison) and the dog died.
S. Kramskoy (exhibition) his last pictures in Moscow.
What is the (long) of this street?
Your (hate) is pointless, I am afraid.
Wait for me at the (enter), please.
We shook hands (heart).
I like the book. It is very (information).
It’s (danger) to cross the street when the traffic is so heavy.
Bob looked at a newcomer with (excite).
I can’t talk to her, she is so (pleasure).
Lots of children die of (starve) in Africa.
The man had an ugly (appear).
Put on your (wool) dress, it’s so cold.
The doctor told us about our friend’s (recover).
My little sister is so (communication).
You are wrong, the cat is very (value).
I like this (literature) work.
The (settle) was small and beautiful.
Stop your (interfere), I am old enough to understand everything.
If I were you, I would (wide) my outlook.
Yesterday Helen told me about her (agree).
Thank you. It was an (forget) party.
We parted (warm) like great friends.
In (add) to it, he told me a lie.
I appreciate your (choose), it’s good.
Boy Scouts pay attention to (survive) skills.
Tom knew Russian well and spoke it (free).
The USA is one of the most (power) states.
Mr. Tomkin’s (proud) is well known to us.
If you visit our supermarket, you’ll see that the prices are (reason).
(Fortune) my mother was at home

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Как успешно сдать ЕГЭ в 2014 году 

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